1st Great Bentley Rainbows
We are the youngest section of Girlguiding aged 5-7. We take part in village events to encourage the girls to be part of the community, as well as earning badges by learning new things and taking part in activities. For more information about rainbows please email: 1stgreatbentleyrainbows@gmail.com or look on the Girlguiding website.
Adventurers Club
The Adventurers Club at the Methodist Church has been running nearly 40 years. We meet once a week, enjoy games, outings and other activities with a Christian theme. We welcome all children from school year 3 and older. We look forward to seeing new children any week. For more details please contact Janet Taylor, 01206 250087
1st Gt Bentley Brownies
Held on a Wednesday evening.
We are a group of 7 to 10 year old females.
We enjoy adventures, holidays.
Our weekly meetings involve a variety of activities from cooking to campfires, hiking to helping, celebrating festivals and eating.
If you’d like to come and join us please contact Bear Aka ‘Crystal’ on 07562 358207.
1st Great Bentley Scout Group
Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Explorers
Scouting offers fun and friendship, challenge and everyday adventure to 400,000 girls and boys across the UK. We have a positive impact on young people, our 100,000 adult volunteers and the communities in which we live. Offering over 200 different activities from abseiling and archery to drama, street sports and water zorbing, Scouting helps 6-25 year olds grow in confidence, achieve their full potential and become active members of their communities. This is only possible through the efforts of 100,000 volunteers who also enjoy the fun and friendship of Scouting. Trusted by nearly a million parents each week, the Movement welcomes members from all backgrounds, faiths and cultures. Special emphasis is placed on bringing the Scouting programme to young people who currently do not benefit, particularly those in inner cities, those in rural areas and other disadvantaged groups. The Scout Association is a registered charity in the UK and part of a worldwide movement of 31 million Scouts working for peace and global friendship.
For more information on the Scouting opportunities for your child, or even as an adult helper then please visit the 1st Great Bentley Scout Group website at www.great-bentley.co.uk
Gary Smith (Baloo)
Cub Scout Leader
M: 07881 627696